Carolina ATM’s Sargent & Greenleaf A Series 6128 Lock Bank Mode:
Carolina ATM’s Sargent & Greenleaf A Series 6128 Lock Service Mode:
Carolina ATM’s Sargent & Greenleaf A Series 6128 General Lock Features:
Contact Us to Purchase 20+ Locks!
22″ x 12″ Green LED ATM Sign w/ Blue Border.
***Sign Comes w/ 4 Programmable Options:
1. On (Steady) 2. ATM Flashing 3. ATM Scrolling 4. ATM Flashing & Scrolling & Border Scrolling
EMV Card Reader Upgrade Kit Compatibility: 5100T
NOTE: Must Be Running Latest Version of MP2S Software for Compatibility.
Size 4” x 3”
# of Sides: 1
Material: Vinyl
6″ Antenna w/ Magnetic Base (3dB gain)
Compatibility: JBM, Systech, and OptConnect Wireless Modems
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